Larry Tiffany
Larry is a serial entrepreneur who has led Medcura from prototypes to commercialization, after founding and selling the neuro-molecular testing company DioGenix. There, Larry was instrumental in raising venture capital, ~$2M from the National MS Society and other philanthropies to support the development of the first, new diagnostic tool or Multiple Sclerosis in almost 75 years. Larry has also held positions in Sr. Management at Ore Pharmaceuticals (CBO), Gene Logic (SVP & GM, Genomics) and Genetraks (US President). Larry holds a Juris Doctor (JD) from Franklin Pierce Law Center, specializing in intellectual property and commercial law (Concord, New Hampshire) ; a Master of Science (MS) in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland); and a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biochemistry from Nazareth College (Rochester, NY).